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A search for Brazilian craft identity

PAOLIELLO, Carla ; MACHADO, Amanda ;


The basis of this article is a question posed to Aloisio Magalhães, Secretary of Culture in 1975. It was about a possible recognition of a Brazilian product. The proposal was to find the cultural references that form the national handicraft. The aim was also to understand how the objects presented this country material and immaterial wealth. It was important to understand the process for producing symbols, information, and culture. We presented some local objects with native and mimetic characteristics. They illustrate that the ‘Brazilianness’ of our craft is not pure, but multicultural. Because of that, it was necessary to define today's culture concepts to understand the identity construction. The research took a theoretical and an existential-phenomenological approach. It defined territorial identity, cultural changes, trans-culturalism, globalization, and hybridity. The challenge was that Brazil has an extensive cultural diversity. That is due its colonization process and intense migrations.


Palavras-chave: Brazilian handicraft, cultural identity, trans-culturalism, multicultural,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-icdhs2016-02_017

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Como citar:

PAOLIELLO, Carla; MACHADO, Amanda; "A search for Brazilian craft identity", p. 152-156 . In: Wong, Wendy Siuyi; Kikuchi, Yuko & Lin, Tingyi (Eds.). Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History [=ICDHS 2016 – 10th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2016.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/despro-icdhs2016-02_017

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