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A critical perspective on global value chains: an analysis of the Brazilian automotive and aeronautical sectors

Hiratuka, Celio ; Sarti, Fernando ; Borghi, Roberto A. Z. ; Barbieri, Marcos ;

Artigo completo:

Conventional literature on global value chains stresses the benefits of a higher economic integration into world markets. This paper examines the Brazilian automotive and aeronautical sectors in a period of strong international integration to evaluate potential effects and limitations of the different patterns followed by each sector. Production, trade and technological dynamics are emphasized. The analysis points out that a virtuous integration requires investments and technological dynamism, which in turn are linked to companies’ capital control. While both industries have benefited from an expansionary cycle over the 2000s, the aeronautical sector has been able through Embraer to sustain a higher level of technological dynamism than the automotive sector, whose dynamics is largely associated to headquarters’ decisions abroad. In this context, challenges for a successful integration regarding the new industrial revolution become even bigger.

Artigo completo:

Palavras-chave: Global Value Chains; Brazil; Automotive Sector; Aeronautical Sector,


DOI: 10.5151/iv-enei-2019-2.2-001

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Como citar:

Hiratuka, Celio; Sarti, Fernando; Borghi, Roberto A. Z.; Barbieri, Marcos; "A critical perspective on global value chains: an analysis of the Brazilian automotive and aeronautical sectors", p. 380-401 . In: Anais do IV Encontro Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/iv-enei-2019-2.2-001

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