Smara Gonçalves

Arquitecta y Licenciada en Humanidades

Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Burgos

Smara Gonçalves is an Architect (1998, University of Valladolid) and Bachelor of Arts (2007, University of Burgos). Teacher at the Polytechnic School of the University of Burgos (2008-2014) and the School of Design of Burgos since 2007. Her project and research activity focuses on issues related to public space, landscape and heritage. She is partner of A3GM Architects. Among her awards for interventions in public space highlights to have been a finalist in 2008 at the European Prize for Urban Public Space.

    Smara Gonçalves não faz parte de comitês organizadores ainda.

    Smara Gonçalves ainda não possui referências a seus trabalhos.