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The Interactive Book, a personal experience

Sampaio, Mariana ; Tavares, Paulo ; Silva, Ana Catarina da ;


Illustrated books and visual activities/experiences are tools that help children’s growth up without frustrations, through the education of sight and touch. Within the universe of illustrated books the object-book or interactive book explore the language of arts by creating a visual narrative. From the “Pre-books” to the “unreadable books” by Bruno Munari (1981), where the support is exploited to the limit; the “blank books” and “space books” of Kveta Pacovská, creating architectural spaces through color and volume; game books like “O Cavaleiro Coragem!” by Delphine Chedru that allow the reader to go back in the story and create different narratives; quarterly notebooks by Calouste Gulbenkian Museum “Viva ao Museu” and the magazines “Aprender a Olhar”, use short stories for the reader to understand and analyze the works of portuguese and foreign artists through games and activities proposed for reflection, interpretation and creation; games/activities like the creations of Mon Petit Art, Djeco, Mini Labo where the child can explore the three-dimensionality and the game of make-believe; among others. All these references are products of visual and tactile experience, full of stimulations for the children to be able to explore and communicate, linking the twodimensional to the three-dimensional, the rule and the randomness, shape and “no shape”. We intend to approach this hybrid concept of book (illustrated/interactive) with a wide perspective since we have come to see that there is an increasing openness to this kind of edition. In fact, you can find this type of book, both in the section of child and adult, in any bookstore. In his article for the Revue Annuelle de la Bibliothèque de Caen, TIRELIVRE, the editor of “MØTUS” considers the success of these products (object-book or interactive book) is due to its reprint or republication. We illustrate our study with portuguese examples of successful interactive books such as Orpheu Mini books “Dias felizes, um imaginário para ler” by Moreau and Laurent and “Caderno de pintura para aprender as cores” by Pascale Estellon. Books that escape the traditional coloring book plan due to the richness of its images. Another example is Planeta Tangerina with the graphical album “Todos fazemos tudo” by Madalena Matoso where the illustrations speak for themselves, without text, where the reader plays with the pages and creates new characters. It is our aim to confirm the adjustment of these proposals to the National Curriculum for Basic Education, where the skills to be worked include, among others: the ability to manipulate and experiment with different materials, shapes and colors, development of personal ways of expressing and representing reality, developing dexterity and his aesthetic sensibility.


Palavras-chave: Interactivity, experience, expression and graphic/plastic manipulation.,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-63

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Como citar:

Sampaio, Mariana; Tavares, Paulo; Silva, Ana Catarina da; "The Interactive Book, a personal experience", p. 332-331 . In: Barbosa, Helena; Quental, Joana [Eds]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-695X, ISBN: 978-989-98185-0-7
DOI 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-63

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