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Pioneering entrepreneurs and inventors: Technical imagination and new technologies in the early patents system in Chile (1840–1880)

CASELLI, Pedro Álvarez ;


This paper analyzes the practices and representations made in the areas of industrial property in Chile between 1840 and 1880, in particular, in the field of patents and introduction, with spe-cial attention to the attitude of the inventors and domestic and foreign to technology and inno-vation in products and processes entrepreneurs. In this context, the problem of rising nine-teenth-century industrial competitiveness and the participation of the State in these matters in-novation is examined, using applications for patents and the testimonies of the agents involved as "discursive texts". Also, the early use of terms in vogue today such as "design", "entrepre-neurship" and "innovation". Finally, the emergence of a technical imagination that emphasized progress and that was also consistent with a tendency to imitation and adaptation of foreign technologies to the geomorphological conditions of the country.


Palavras-chave: Industrial property, invention patents, native technology, technology transfer, innovation,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-icdhs2016-04_003

Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:

CASELLI, Pedro Álvarez; "Pioneering entrepreneurs and inventors: Technical imagination and new technologies in the early patents system in Chile (1840–1880)", p. 319-323 . In: Wong, Wendy Siuyi; Kikuchi, Yuko & Lin, Tingyi (Eds.). Making Trans/National Contemporary Design History [=ICDHS 2016 – 10th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2016.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/despro-icdhs2016-04_003

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