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Materializar para informar e conscientizar

Materialize to inform and educate

Bastiani, Jamile De ; Pupo, Regiane T. ;

Artigo Completo:

The protection and preservation of historical heritage are important tasks for all walks of life because rebuilding the exclusionary social memory, symbolically representing the nation’s identity. From this reflection, the problem arises of how to make the people appreciate the historic buildings. The Region of Medium High Uruguay, will serve as pilot study on a method of applying to the enhancement of national heritage by the population that is through the materialization of form. It is with the help of computer modeling combined with digital prototyping that seeks to find effective alternatives that use new technologies in the upgrading of historic buildings, a form of knowledge, integration and collaboration. In many areas of knowledge, consciousness makes the human being is connected to the world through all the senses. And touch, as experimentation and understanding of space it inhabits, may be the most overlooked sense in recent informatization times. In this research, the new realization techniques used to attempt to leverage awareness and understanding of a heritage, for a population hitherto alien to the cultural and historical values of a local architecture.

Artigo Completo:

The protection and preservation of historical heritage are important tasks for all walks of life because rebuilding the exclusionary social memory, symbolically representing the nation’s identity. From this reflection, the problem arises of how to make the people appreciate the historic buildings. The Region of Medium High Uruguay, will serve as pilot study on a method of applying to the enhancement of national heritage by the population that is through the materialization of form. It is with the help of computer modeling combined with digital prototyping that seeks to find effective alternatives that use new technologies in the upgrading of historic buildings, a form of knowledge, integration and collaboration. In many areas of knowledge, consciousness makes the human being is connected to the world through all the senses. And touch, as experimentation and understanding of space it inhabits, may be the most overlooked sense in recent informatization times. In this research, the new realization techniques used to attempt to leverage awareness and understanding of a heritage, for a population hitherto alien to the cultural and historical values of a local architecture.

Palavras-chave: Materialize, Inform, Aware, Appreciation,

Palavras-chave: Materialize, Inform, Aware, Appreciation,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-30394

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Como citar:

Bastiani, Jamile De; Pupo, Regiane T.; "Materializar para informar e conscientizar", p. 161-166 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-30394

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