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“I want, I can, I’ll do it!”: proposal of a 2D animated television series for asthmatic children

Pereira, Joana ; Lopes, Conceição ;


“I want, I can, I’ll do it!” is the series’ title that orientates the communication and languages of the protagonists of the series, Rita and Pedro as well as their companion Blá, of the themes and sceneries where they act in. The present proposal was developed on the context of a Master’s Degree in Design of 2011, in Universidade de Aveiro. The fields related to the various options in the creation and elaboration of the visual language of the characters, sceneries and chosen themes are: the design, illustration and 2D animation; the pragmatics of the communication, ludicity and learning; the interests and motivations of the six and seven year old children; and the manifestation of the pathology of asthma. This communication also means to emphasizes the characters of the series and how they communicate.


Palavras-chave: Communication, ludicity, learning,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-54

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Como citar:

Pereira, Joana; Lopes, Conceição; "“I want, I can, I’ll do it!”: proposal of a 2D animated television series for asthmatic children", p. 283-287 . In: Barbosa, Helena; Quental, Joana [Eds]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-695X, ISBN: 978-989-98185-0-7
DOI 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-54

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